Abraham is called by God into this life of faith in chapter 12. The callings of God are invitations; invitations to trust Him. Abraham was invited to leave his father’s country, his father’s house, and to go to a country that God would show him (12:1). Basically, the invitation was to walk away from his father’s inheritance and accept the invitation that God would become his Father. God didn’t tell him where this land was, who else was in this land, what was in this land, or what he would do once he arrived in this promised land. But God did say that Abraham would be blessed if he was willing to trust God and receive His offer, God would take care of him. And he did, and He did.
This gives us an insight into the nature of the test, no matter when, who, where, or how; the test of faith is a crisis of belief. Are you willing to trust God in what He has said. The test is a response-ability that we are given by God. There is a gap in between stimulus and response where we make a choice as to how we will respond. Animals have this response already programmed by God. It is called instinct. In that way their response is actually a reaction to the stimulus. It is always the same reaction. But we are created differently. We are given the opportunity to choose and respond. Our response is based upon trust. The question we are faced with is who or what do I trust.
Abraham lived a life of trusting God and what He said to him. Genesis 15:5-6 tells us that God told Abraham that he and Sarah would have a baby. When Abraham trusted God in that word, God imparted to him a right relationship, and declared Abraham righteous in His eyes.
Notice as you read this section of Genesis how Abraham was tested each time God spoke to him. He could not respond with reason, most of what God said did not make much sense. He couldn’t have responded with counsel from others. Most of the time others did not agree with what God had said. Abraham had to decide whether he could trust what God said.
Also notice that the life of faith, the life of testing, gets harder, not easier. Every step Abraham took was a challenge. What Abraham learned along the way with God was that God could be trusted to provide strength or whatever else was needed; if he would just trust God. This is what life with God is all about.
What has God said to you? Do you trust Him? God invites us to walk away from something when He invites us to something that He wants to do in our life. Are you willing to trust God to provide for you what you need to walk with Him? The Bible assures us over and over again that God can be trusted and that He will provide all that we need, and more, if we will just trust Him.
For Bubba's blog on prayer go to http://www.saltblock.org/.
For Bubba's blog on prayer go to http://www.saltblock.org/.
Bubba Stahl
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