Monday, November 26, 2012

Staying Un-Offended; Part 1

“And blessed is the one who is not offended by Me.” Matthew 11:6. Jesus said this powerful statement to the disciples of John the Baptist. John was in prison and had only been hearing the reports of the deeds of Jesus; not His teachings. As a result, John had become discouraged and confused about the identity of Jesus and even his own, “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?” Basically John was asking, “Are you who I thought you were, or are you who I thought I was?” That is called confused. So, he sent his disciples to Jesus to hear first hand.

 First question: What were the John’s disciples still hanging around John for? John had clearly pointed his followers to Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29-36). There is a hint that maybe the followers of John were upset over the condition of their Rabbi, John. In fact, as you look at the other Scriptures referring to John’s disciples you notice a progression of offense; Matthew 9:14-17, the question about fasting, and John 3:25-36, the question about why John was losing followers and Jesus was gaining followers. This is an indication that John’s disciples had been offended.

People get offended for various reasons; a close friend or family member gets hurt by someone, unmet expectations, refusing to forgive, but mostly an immature spirit (a cry baby, today known as a meltdown-kid). The problem with being offended is that it spreads, distorts, pollutes, and it probably the number one reason we do not experience revival in our nation. The church in the US is a big cry baby! Mad because it is not getting what it wants, when it wants, the way it wants, with convenience and ease. Staying offended prevents maturity.

Second question: I wonder if the disciples of John expected their Rabbi to be treated better by God? Maybe to them it seemed as though it was not fair. John had been faithful. John had been popular. What happened? Unmet expectations are a major cause of being offended. God had done what they expected. They were offended by God.

Another symptom of being offended is blaming others for your being offended, even blaming God. Blaming others is what small children do, cry babies (my dad had another name for being a cry baby that I have decided not to print; some of you probably know that other name for cry-baby!). But when I find myself in an offended state it is only because I have chosen to be offended. The choice not to chose is made by default most of the time. Refusing to chose is a choice and the default choice will always lead to sin.

Confusion about what is known and what is not yet known is another condition that leads to being offended. One indicator of maturity is the acceptance of the truth that God is at work in all things that happen to you, working them together for good in you, to form Christ in you for His own glory! This means that nothing comes to you until the Father approves it. God does not cause all things, He uses all things to form Christ in you. For a child of God, everything is a stewardship from God that we will give an account for. Impatience rather than perseverance is another mark of immaturity. Refusing to wait upon God and refusing to accept the fact that you do not have all the information yet leaves you vulnerable to being offended.

If you are in an offended state right now, grow up you big cry-baby! It is your own fault. Take responsibility for it and repent. You are hindering the growth that God wants to give you. You cannot give yourself growth but you sure can keep yourself from growing.

In a few days, more on this subject, like, how you can grow up and how to tell the difference between grief, pain, and offense. And what to do about this offensive culture we live in so that it does not get inside you and cause you to be offended. Until then, pray giving everything to God, your offense, your pain, your grief, your unmet expectations, your friend that is hurt by someone, everything that seems unjust to you…give it all to God. “Cast your burden upon the LORD, and He will sustain you.” Psalm 55:22.

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