Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Pile of Gold or a Bible; Which Would You Choose?

Our 10-year-old granddaughter, Emma, and I were driving down the road in Boerne to get a few things at HEB when I told her that I wanted to practice my memory verse with her.

As we drove, I quoted “The words of Your mouth are better for me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.”  Psalm 119:72. Then I said, “Emma, Psalm 119 is a prayer that will shape our prayers if we learn it and pray it. I want to get to the place where if I saw a pile of gold beside a Bible, I would choose the Bible.”

Then I asked her, “What about you?” She thought for a moment, kept looking straight ahead, and said, “I would take the gold and then go buy some Bibles for people who do not have one.”

AMEN! Sure wish I had thought of that! Thanks, Emma.

I will be on a mission trip to India over the next few weeks and will greatly appreciate your prayers for our team. And I am taking some money that Emma’s daddy gave me to buy some Bibles for some pastors who do not have one. I will post about the trip when I get back.

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