Monday, December 29, 2014

How To End 2014 and Begin 2015; An Exercise

One of the most powerful and comprehensive paragraphs in the Bible is found in Romans 3:21-31. These eleven verses spell out our faith in clear and concise phrases. They are worth memorizing so that you can meditate upon them.

Here is the exercise:

  • Read Romans 3:21 ten times, out loud. Cover it up and quote it by memory. If you can't, read it out loud another ten times. Then today, December 29, meditate upon what God is saying. Ask two questions: What is the meaning? What are the implications (application) of that meaning to my daily life? You may want to write down your impressions.
  • Tomorrow, December 30, begin the day by reviewing Romans 3:21 by saying it by memory, out loud. Now read Romans 3:22, out loud, ten times, cover it up and quote it by memory. Do the same drill as you did yesterday. Know that the phrase, "For there is no distinction..." goes with verse 23-25.
  • Continue this exercise each day until you have memorized Romans 3:21-31. You may want to break these phrases up into smaller bites, or you may be able to take on more than one verse at a time. Either way, repetition is the key, and meditation is the goal. Ask the two questions over and over and write down your impressions. 
This exercise is the best way I know to end a year and to begin a new one. 

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