Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Worshiping on the High Ways

Becoming a true worshiper, one who worships the Father in spirit and truth is a learning experience. God’s word is the textbook and the Holy Spirit is your Teacher. As God reveals more and more of Himself to you in His Son, Jesus Christ, you know Him more and more. One of the ways that He does this is by His ways. The Bible states clearly that the ways of God are higher than the ways of man (Isaiah 55:9). The ways of God are the high ways!

One of the words for “ways,” is the Hebrew word orak, which is used many times in the Old Testament and translated as “path,” as in a well-trodden road. For example, it is used to describe the caravan routes of the ancient world (Job 6:18), and for the main roads that connected the major cities of the world (Judges 5:6). With that understanding, in the context of the ways of God, you understand that the orak of God are the great attributes of His character and nature.

Psalm 25:10 states, “All of the paths of the LORD are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.” These are mammoth truths, highways to travel on with God concerning His revelation of Himself to you and connecting Himself with you. It says that God’s orak are all characterized by His choice of loving you and your willingness to see the surpassing value of that choice.

The Hebrew word translated “steadfast love” is the word kesed. It is also translated as “mercy,” and many times as “loving-kindness.” The New Testament word for this is “grace.” It describes God’s willful choice to love and enter into a loving relationship with those who will trust Him. The Hebrew word emet, “faithfulness,” is a twin to kesed simply because God remains faithful to His own choice to love.

God has chosen to love you and He is faithful to His own choice of you. His desire, His will, is for you to chose to love Him and enter into a loving relationship, a covenant, with Him through faith in Jesus Christ. As you do, God reveals more and more of the truth and goodness of His choice of you. It becomes clearer and clearer that this is not about you, but more and more of Him! Hallelujah!!!

All of the ways of God are seen in God’s choice and love for you and His faithfulness to His choice and love for you. This is the major thoroughfare and highway, the orak, of God for you to travel as you learn of Him and become a true worshiper. This is what it means to worship the Father in spirit and truth.

Today, memorize Psalm 25:10 and meditate on how great, how wide, how deep, how high is God’s choice and faithfulness of His love for you.

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