In the upper room, on the night that Jesus was betrayed, with the pieces of the Passover meal on the table, Jesus created a new model for worship for the new covenant in himself. In the Old Testament, God gave the nation of Israel the model for worship in Exodus 19-20 after he had delivered them out of the bondage of slavery in Egypt on their way to the Promised Land. That covenant and worship was based upon sacrifice conducted by the Aaron, the high priest, and his sons. The nation of Israel had to first learn the system, the model, then do it in order to come before God and worship. In the upper room Jesus taught his disciples the new model for the new covenant, fulfilling the old. First they needed to learn it, then they would do it. But what would they be doing once they learned it?
The Apostle Paul gives one of the clearest presentations of this new form of worship for the followers of Christ in Romans 6. In that chapter he states that we must first "know" something (6:3-11). Paul uses three different words for "know" in that passage, each one with a greater depth of knowledge (6:3, 6, 11). In other words, as you begin to study and explore the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, you begin to understand with greater and greater depth that you died with him, were buried with him, and rose with him. His sacrifice was for you but not without you!
This mind-blowing truth sets you freer and freer from the power of sin as you daily present yourself before God just as the Old Testament worshippers would present the prescribed sacrifices to the high priest at the altar before the Tabernacle and later the Temple.
The word "present" is the Greek word, paristemi, and was used to describe the position of a servant, standing beside his/her master, ready to serve. This position was at the right elbow of the master, just behind the master, ready to hear the next command in order to quickly obey. It was also used in the Greek translation of the Old Testament of worshippers standing before God with their sacrifices.
Paul uses this word "present" five times in Romans 6 (6:13, 16, 19, and again in 12:1) to describe the position of one who has learned to worship according to God's word. This is what a true worshipper does each day after learning the new model and way to worship the Father in spirit and in truth. As a living sacrifice (12:1-2) in Christ, you stand before the Father in Christ, as his servant, ready to obey his word. Jesus taught this in the upper room in John 13-16, then did it himself in his prayer in John 17 and work of salvation in John 18-20.
Summary: The new worship model is found in Christ, the once-for-all sacrifice for you (but not without you). Faith immerses you in this truth and you rise to worship the Father in the spirit and in this truth by first, learning it and studying it, then doing it by presenting yourself in Christ before the Father each day. Each day, and throughout the day, becomes an experience of worshipping the Father in spirit and in truth. Hallelujah!
Spend some time today in Romans 6 and 12:1-2 in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to teach you what Jesus said when he said, "...the hour is now here when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him." John 4:23
Tomorrow, you will see how this pleases the Father. Stay the Holy Spirit.
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