Friday, December 30, 2016

A Prayer Formed From Psalm 120 and the Songs of the Ascent

         Lord Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd leading us, your sheep, through this world to the Father’s house. Thank you, God, that you call us away from the world and its lies, from its idolatry, and violence. Thank you, Lord, for your voice of truth, calling to us and answering us when we cry for help. We are tempted to settle for the rotting slop that the world, the flesh, and the devil call delight. We are tempted to believe the lie that the world is getting better; to eat, drink, and be merry in it rather than sacrifice according to your word with a clear “no” to the offers of the world along with a faithful “yes” to the direction you lead us today.
         Thank you, Holy Spirit, for Psalm 120 and the next fifteen days with the Songs of the Ascent, reminding us that this world is not our home, that you are leading us upward and through it to higher ground, that we are travelers, not settlers, and that you are teaching us and preparing us for eternity now.
         Father, thank you for sending your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and for the eternal salvation he has given with his life on the cross and from the empty grave. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for defining our lives under the liberating parameters of your word. Thank you, God, for your protection and provision through the wilderness of this world and the endurance you provide with the Cloud by day and the Fire by night, with daily Manna, and Water from the rock.
         Lord Jesus, today we pray for our church family, for your shepherd who serves under you among us, for your elders and deacons you have given to your body. Give them wisdom, understanding, insight in your word, compassion and patience with us, and endurance. Protect them from the schemes of the devil.
And the members of your body, our church family, we pray for spiritual health and growth according to your word. We ask for growing love and knowledge of you along with increasing opportunities to share your love with our town and world; all for your glory and the advancement of your Kingdom.
And I also pray for….in the name above every name, in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord, we pray. AMEN.


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