Thursday, December 29, 2016

A Prayer Shaped From Psalm 119 and Other Bible Readings From Today

         O Lord, your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. The unfolding of your words gives light, giving wisdom to the simple. Your instructions are true. Your promises are sure. Your commandments are eternal. Your word declares who you are. Thank you, God, for your word.
Lord Jesus, teach me to pray from your word. Holy Spirit, form and shape my prayer according to your word. Father, speak into my heart, my mind, my will, your will and may it be done in me, with me, through me, as me before you and the watching world around me, for your glory. Please, I pray.
I am surrounded by enemies; the world, the flesh, and the devil, whose one desire is to kill, to steal, and to destroy what you give to me. They set traps. They deceive with bait. They dig pits for me to fall. May they fall by their own schemes and caught in their own traps. As for me, I will stay focused upon your word by meditating on your promises. My hope is in you, Lord. Guide me through temptations, traps, and the distractions of the enemy today, I pray.
You are faithful, Lord. You promise and act according to your word. I promise to keep your words, but fail every time on my own. Without you, Lord Jesus, I can do nothing. Be my faithfulness, Lord Jesus, for you are faithful. My promise is my request. Do in me, with me, and through me what pleases you, according to your word. With a deeper intimacy, I will have a greater obedience; all from you and all for you, my Lord and my God.
I pray for the persecuted church around the world today. Be their strength today as you reveal your presence to them. Give them wisdom and joy among their persecutors and boldness in their witness of you. Comfort them in the loss of loved ones. Overwhelm them with your forgiveness for their persecutors. Grant those who torture and kill them with the gift of repentance and bring them to a saving knowledge of Christ. Let them know they are not alone and that we are praying for them today.

I also pray for….in the name of my Savior, my King, my Teacher, my Strength, my Refuge, my Light, and my Redeemer, Jesus Christ. AMEN.

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